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What is the Full Form of HTML? HTML Full Form in Computer | HTML Full Form in Hindi

HTML Full Form

HTML full form is Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a hypertext markup language used to create web pages. It is written in the form of HTML elements. A hyperlink refers to a series of links within a page to other pages. A markup language means using tags to define the layout of a page and its elements. The main focus is the display of information, e.g., The web page, where we see o HTML documents are interpreted and displayed by a web browser. Some popular web browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.

History of HTML

Tim Berners-Lee developed HTML in the late 1990s. It initially came to light in 1993. By that time, many versions of HTML are available. The current version of HTML5 is getting increasingly popular due to its rich features. The full form of HTML is Hypertext markup language.

The word HTML defines a particular meaning in it. Hypertext comes from hyperlinks which means a link between several pages; markup means the specified element is the layout of the page and the elements within the page. In addition, the language combines both properties and converts them into Hypertext Markup Language.

Advantages and Disadvantages of HTML


HTML was initially published in 1993 and developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. The Web Hypertext Applications Working Group (WHATWG) community is currently working on HTML development. The current version of HTML5 has gained so much popularity due to the newly added features. The entire website framework is HTML, and every browser implements it, making it visible and user-friendly.


What is the Full Form of HTML?

This simple yet brilliant markup language was first brought to light by physicist Tim-Berners Lee in 1990 but officially came into light in 1993. Since then, several HTML styles have been released. Due to its popularity and rapid use on websites, it has become the official website standard. Moreover, among the many improvements, HTML5 is one of the most significant introductions and stands out as it introduces several new features. HTML full form in computer is Hypertext Markup language.

How does HTML Work?

All HTML documents end with .htm and .html extensions. Web browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox render HTML files by reading the code and helping viewers view the content easily. HTML pages contain many tags, each serving as an element for its respective content structure. Moreover, each page can be divided into sections, paragraphs, and other structures.

The most common types of HTML tags are block level and inline. Inline HTML tags do not take up additional space or start a new line on the page. Inline tags format the highlighted internal content string, and links are great examples of this custom HTML tag. However, the block level tag takes up all the available space, and developers use it to start a new line in the document. Paragraphs and web page titles are perfect examples of block-level tags. HTML ka full form is Hypertext Markup language.

 Full Form of HTML in Hindi

HTML की फुल फॉर्म Hypertext Markup Language होती है. को हम Hypertext Markup Language कहते है. This एक कंप्यूटर की भाषा है जिसका उपयोग वेबसाइट बनाने मे किया जाता है. ये भाषा कंप्यूटर की अन्य भाषा जैसे C, C++, JAVA आदि के मुकाबले बहुत ही Simple होती है. HTML की मदद से वेबसाइट बन जाने के बाद उस वेबसाइट को दुनिया का कोई भी व्यक्ति इंटरनेट के जरिये देख सकता है. Well, now you know HTML full form in Hindi.

FAQs on HTML Full Form

What is HTML coding?

HTML Coding is a HyperText Markup Language representing data on the web. However, many people confuse HTML and markup languages ​​with programming and scripting. HTML allows you to modify and change various elements, such as paragraphs and headings. However, you cannot use HTML to create dynamic functionality or add new functionality or logic to programs. HTML only provides the structure of the website.

What is the Main Objective of HTML?

The use of HTML is mainly to structure web pages according to the functional requirements of the respective web pages. For example, you can modify the rich text, GUI, and other HTML elements if you need to create your touring website. HTML is the perfect tool for making changes to a website if needed. HTML uses several elements to provide and manipulate the structure of web pages on the Internet.

What is the basic structure of the HTML document?

The basic structure of an HTML document includes HTML opening tags, chapters, headings, paragraphs, and the body. Each of these tags ends with a “/” character, indicating that the individual HTML element has expired. These tags, or elements, form the basis of the overall structure of an HTML document and are, therefore, commonly seen on web pages you find on the Internet. In addition to these basic tags, several other tags provide additional functionality and usability for designers.

Is HTML coding?

Yes, the full meaning of HTML is coding. But many people misinterpret Hyper Text Markup Languages ​​with scripting and programming; However, no. You can change any significant differences in your web page, such as creating headings and paragraphs, but no dynamic functions.

What is an HTML example?

HyperText Markup Languages ​​are the most widely used languages. Moreover, full HTML forms use many different tags to define one web page for another. Most of these tags require an opening <tag> and a closing <tag>.


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