Full Form

What is the CPR Full Form? Full Form of CPR in Medical | CPR Full Form in Hindi

CPR Full Form

The full form of CPR is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Cardio means “heart,” and pulmonary means “belongs to the lungs.” A medical term by the name of resuscitation means to revive. CPR is a life-saving technique in medical emergencies such as heart attacks or cardiac arrests. Cardiac arrest can be caused by heart disease, choking, drowning, electric shock, etc.

This technique is a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Helps restore blood flow to the heart and brain until medical treatment is available; slows tissue death and brain damage. People who frequently handle emergencies, such as doctors, lifeguards, and firefighters, are trained to perform CPR.

You don’t need any special equipment to perform CPR. You just need to run it in the correct order or sequence as below:

  • Chest compression
  • Airway
  • Breathing

To perform CPR, you must also ensure the patient is in a supine position (lying on his back on a firm surface). This makes CPR easy and effective as it allows effective sternum compression. CPR on a soft surface such as a mattress is less effective. In addition, the person performing the chest compressions should be positioned high enough to press the chest properly. CPR full form in Hindi will also be in discussion in this post.

What is CPR?

CPR full form in medical terms is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. It is a procedure that most of us perform during an emergency when the patient is unconscious and in cardiac arrest. CPR combines chest compressions and manual artificial respiration to keep brain activity intact. It is recommended for patients with abnormal breathing or patients lying unconscious due to shortness of breath. Chest compressions should be 5 cm deep and at a rate of 90 to 120 compressions per minute. Moreover, even perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by exhaling air into the patient’s mouth. The patient is also given mechanical ventilation, a machine that forces air into the patient’s lungs.

It is always advisable to opt for chest compressions over mechanical ventilation when an untrained rescuer is involved for better effect. However, chest compressions can cause problems in children because the problem is primarily with the respiratory system, not the heart.

CPR alone is not responsible for cardiac resuscitation. Its main goal is to restore partial oxygen flow to the heart and brain. This, in turn, reduces the chances of tissue death and causes minimal damage to the brain. Mechanical methods of cardiac resuscitation include defibrillation, in which an electric shock is given to the patient to return the heart to a normal rhythm.

The Procedure of CPR:

Below is the procedure of how to perform a CPR:

  • The patient has to lay supine on a flat surface to perform CPR. You need to make sure that this procedure is not carried out on an uneven surface.
  • The ventilator must verify that the patient’s airway is patent by tilting the patient’s head back and opening the airway.
  • Check your breathing. If the person is not breathing and there is no hearing breath for more than 10 seconds, you should start CPR.
  • Once the CPR process advances, the basic rule is to push hard and fast. The placing of hands is on top of each other in the center of the chest. The body weight distribution is correctly on the arms, initiating compressions of at least 2 inches is necessary, and performing a minimum of 100 compressions per minute is necessary.
  • Administration of rescue breaths is also between mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths. During this time, tilt the patient’s head towards the back slightly, raise the chin, clamp the nose, and close the patient’s mouth correctly with the rescue mouth. Blowing air into the patient’s mouth to lift the patient’s chest. Alternatively, give two mechanical breaths after compression, which you must repeat if necessary.
  • These steps of CPR continue alternating breathing and compressions until the patient shows signs of consciousness and a medical professional arrives on the scene.

What are the Injuries and Side Effects of CPR?

80% of cases are not in violation of this procedure. The remaining 10% suffer minor injuries if performing of CPR is not correctly. Patients are at high risk for fracture of the sternum, fracture of the ribs, or lung injury. The patient may also suffer from internal bleeding if a heart injury occurs. Other mild side effects include vomiting, whose expelling is necessary to prevent the patient from swallowing it.

Reasons Why You Should Learn about CPR:

CPR is one of the best resuscitation techniques anyone can learn and efficiently perform to save a person’s life. If you notice someone suddenly falling or losing control of their breathing, you can perform CPR to stabilize the condition. Here are a few more reasons why you should learn CPR:

  • Learning CPR is not difficult; you don’t have to be a doctor or healthcare professional. You can quickly learn this method of resuscitation from an accredited institution.
  • You can save a loved one by performing CPR. Knowing the proper chest compressions or mouth-to-mouth CPR technique can save or stabilize a family member from a possible heart attack.
  • CPR makes other resuscitation methods more effective. If a person’s condition is critical, you can perform CPR to increase their blood flow and oxygen levels. If rescue workers came and used other methods, there was a high chance that the victim would survive.
  • You can save lives and prevent permanent brain damage with rapid chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

What is the Full Form of CPR in English?

The full form of CPR in medical terms is cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Cardio means “heart,” pulmonary means “about the lungs,” and resuscitation means “to revive.” Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency life-saving helpful procedure in the event of a heart attack or cardiac arrest, a drowning condition in which a person’s breathing or heart stops. It’s much better to do something to save a life in an emergency than to do nothing.

Moreover, your efforts to do something can save someone’s life. This technique is a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. CPR helps restore blood flow to the heart and brain until medical treatment is available; it slows tissue death and brain damage. People who frequently handle emergencies, such as doctors, lifeguards, and firefighters, have the training to perform CPR.

What is the CPR Full Form in Hindi?

The CPR Full Form in Hindi is हृत्फुफ्फुसीय पुनर्जीवन.


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